African-American Institute
There is not a plaque to mark it, but during the 1960s the tree that stands in Krentzman Quad in front of Ell Hall served as the university’s first unofficial African American cultural center. The tree was used as a meeting place where African American students socialized and kept one another informed of university and global news. As time passed, the African American students who met under the tree wanted a home on Northeastern’s campus. Since the university was attended predominantly by commuters, the students envisioned a center that was both community-oriented and student-centered.
On February 19, 1969, students submitted a proposal to President Knowles requesting the establishment of an African American cultural center. They insisted that the center be directed by an African American and that a specific building be set aside. The students rejected the idea of the center occupying office space within an existing university structure. With a building of their own, the students felt that they would create a permanent African American presence at Northeastern.
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Proposals for the Establishment of an Afro-American Culture Center and a Black Studies Department
Proposals for the Establishment of an Afro-American Culture Center and a Black Studies Department
Proposals for the Establishment of an Afro-American Culture Center and a Black Studies Department
Proposals for the Establishment of an Afro-American Culture Center and a Black Studies Department
African American Students
African American Studies
African American Students
African American Studies
African American Students
African American Studies
Proposals for the Establishment of an Afro-American Culture Center and a Black Studies Department
Proposals for the Establishment of an Afro-American Culture Center and a Black Studies Department
proposals for the establishment of an afroamerican culture center and a black studies department
Proposals for the Establishment of an Afro-American Culture Center and a Black Studies Department
African American Students
February 14, · PROPOSALS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN AFRO-AMERICAN CULTURE CENTER AND A BlACK STUDIES DEPARTMENT 1. Northeastern University should establish an Afro-American Culture Center and a Blao Studies Department. In the operation of the Afro-Center -.n.d Black S~dies Department, 1t wW b necess to have one person in charge of the Afro-Center end .another, both black, 1n charge of the American or Black Studies Department. · The spectfio control of all facets and faoW.tlea of d:ual program should be under the general directorship of a Steering Com~J.ttee wi~ . the tor of the Afro-Center being the chairman of the Steering Committee. I We feel that in order to function effectively in th'e manner we envision 1 a ilie . ing should be set aside rather than office space within the existing Universtty comp 'EfX. in .this building would exist the Afro-Center, Black Studies Department, .nd .all other r·e.1eNa:m agencies. , ·. 2 • I A question frequently raised revolves around the pafticipation of white students ·1n program of Black Studie.s. . The answer must be ambivalent inasmuch as the program h s ti;> aimed primarily at the Black student, particularly in its motivational activities ilwolvlng . the Black community. At the same time it is recognized that, so long as some White graduates · continue to work in the black community I they and the ~lack oommun1ty will beAeflt ftom exposure to at least some portion of Black Studies. This could result in the re-ed~U.on of 3. I I whit~ society. · The danger is that white students will flood Black Studies courses, leaving u 'W itb :. Black St1,1dies Progr~m peopled predominantly by white students. One way to draw wh te stu deri.ts off (and/or care for the surplus) is fcc existing departments to increase their offeting , in Blackness as they are doing now under the guise of "dark .. (or, as sociOlogists say, .. c compatible") courses. This would probably result in greater benefit to the white students • , :needs anyway and most certainly would offset the apparent sense of threat 1n the minds · conventional departments. It may be necessary eventually to distinguish black education f blacks and black education for whites. There is no insurmountable incompatibility ex mutu i. exclusiveness between Black Stu'dies and ethnic group courses in other departments. .l nQ_ they are easily reinforcing, and could make a major contribution to better ..race rel&Uons" 1 as politicians are fond of saying ·now "the effort t. save the nation", in decades ah d. o I I 4. A Steering Committee shall be established which will institute and then serve · s a a governing board over the policies and curriculum of the Black Studies Department end AfroCenter. It will consist of faculty I administrators, a.nd black students, all to be ehosen by the general black student body. This Steering Committee will be answerable only to .the Pre dent of the University. a. We feel that the Steering Committee serves a useful University function, and therefore all members--including students faculty and staff--should be paid as any other ~onsultant group would be. The Steering Committee will submit a budget at a later d te, w will be retroactive from February 2 1 1969. · If 1 I �2 Names of the members of the 11 Ad Hoc Black Students Committee for the Establis : .... ment of the Black Studies Department and Afro-American Center" include: 1. 2• 3. 4• 5. 6. James B. Alexander Ralph Peace James Fripp Henry Roque Frederick Johnson Arnold (Ted} Evans �
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Response from President Knowles
Response from President Knowles
Response from President Knowles
Response from President Knowles
African American Students
College Presidents
African American Studies
African American Students
College Presidents
African American Studies
African American Students
College Presidents
African American Studies
Response from President Knowles
Response from President Knowles
response from president knowles
Response from President Knowles
African American Students
On February 14 I 19 69 the Black student c_ mmunity comprised of fullo I I time Black students here at Northeastern 1 submitted to me a proposal asking for the establishment of an Mro-American Cultural Center and a Black Studies Department which would offer courses leading to a major and degree in Black studies. In a memorandum dated February 19 1 I replied to these students as follows: "I shall be glad to recommend to the appropriate committee of the Board of Trustees that facilities be made available for the Center and that funds be provided for the appropriate furnishing of such a Center. Since there are no funds available for erecting a new building for the purpose of the Center it is necessary to allocate space now contained in our present plant. In order to accomplish this I have asked Vice President Ryder Dean of Administration, and Mr. Moffat Manager of the Physical Plant to make a careful study of what space might be allocated for this purpose and made available, hopefully before fall. I I 1 1 1 I "You have proposed that a faculty-administration-student steering committee be established to plan the Center and govern its operation and that this same committee plan and govern the proposed Black Studies Department. It seems appropriat~ to me to have the proposed steering committee plan the Center and govern its operation once it is established. · It also seems appropriate to have a committee plan a Black Studies Educational Program and I shall be happy to forward to the faculty the plans you propose ·when they are ready. As you know new curricula at the University must be approved by the appropriate college faculties or the Faculty Senate and then recommended to the Board of Trustees for final approval. In the interest of promoting ,favorable faculty response to the proposed program I would urge you to consult with the Agenda Committee of the Faculty Senate concerning faculty members you propose as members of a steering committee. By doing this the faculties can be kept better informed of the progress of your planning. " I I 1 I On May 9 the steering committee of the Black s ·t udent community met with me again and submitted a proposal tq establish a five-part institute which would incorporate the Afro-American Cultural Center and the Black studies curriculum. The proposal stated that the Institute would be responsible for the development of the B1ack studies program, a research and information center a cultural center, · I �2• a library I and would serve as a clearing house for special projects such as the tutoring program and special preparation program for Black students. It was hoped that all of these activities could be located in and headed up in the proposed Afro-American Center building. The Black student community proposal provides that there be established a steering committee consisting of 21 persons to manage the Institute. The compositon of this 21-man steering committee would be 6 faculty members, 3 administrators, s· Black students and 4 1 Bla~k community leaders. It was proposed that this new steering committee appoint a subcommittee to plan the curriculum of the Black studies program and that this subcommittee report to the new steering committee. The subcommittee would also recommend a person to be director of the Institute and advisor to the subcommittee in developing the Black studies program. This meant that the first task 9f the subcommittee was to find a director. The Black students representing the Black student community asked me if Uni~ersity they could · meet with the , of the Institute. faculty to obtain approva; of their conc.e pt /L C' ,.._,; c.e..-n-. 1-( I J..- fP~-(.'A.. "e..t. 7 VI,)'~ t.,_ I j_ ~ I informed them that the general facHlty of the University did ~ J, A I suggested that the student~ address their proposal to the Faculty Senate, and they agreed to do so. On May 20 the Faculty Senate met in special session at no<;>n to hear the 1 having received a written proposal in advance. .• . involved approval of more than one college faculty, its final approval would rest Black students' proposal , ~ not approve separate curricula of colleges and that when a proposed curriculum with the Faculty Senate. . Many questions were raised about faculty control of the program, and the students were �3. ( inionned that the University Faculty Senate is responsible for approving curricula leading to degrees, the requirements for degrees, academic personnel policies, and academic standards . On the same day the Faculty Senate met for a 3-hour period and developed a counterproposal for the Black students which involved the creation of a new committee to consist of 6 representatives of the Northeastern Black community and 6 faculty members to be appointed by the Faculty Senate. It was proposed that this committee develop the proposed Black studies curriculum and recommepd d._ L"U.-4-.•J..- ~~· .;. VY t'"'- ... I /.v elL~~· ~ I L, ~~ « ,, ~ a candidate to become the director. The Faculty Senate report stated further that • the proposed new curriculum and director to be appointed would need the approval of both the Faculty Senate and the proposed Institute Steering Committee. When both concurred in approval, the curriculum and the name of the director would be forwarded to the President for his approv~l, with the understanding that the Pr:es'ident would seek the approval of the Board of Trustees for the expenditures involved in· developrng the new curriculum. On May 22 the representatives of the Black students met with me and stated that they rejected the Faculty Senate proposal and suggested the alternative of setting up a noncredit Black studies program 0 They stated further that they were desirous of having their own 21-member steering committee plan the noncredit . " 1 ~--rO ~,{·t..v-1 /') I A..t, ~~ curriculum, operate the Institute, and select its director/and sta:;, I replied that I would agree to this plan, provided that the Institute have competent staff and suitable Northeastern identification o I suggested that it be tied in with the ~~ Center for Continuing Education, aftd:..'that I ~ lrv--t.-t-"'-"'-~ k-,. I~ .-z.,e.~~ tits' directot have prgtd.aQr ti\9 IJ"~ull8 8JlliFiJiQI6 I"'Na budgetary control. faculty status and ~o..v-.e--4..._ �4. The students said they would take this idea back to the entire Black student community membership for discussion and a vote. On March 7 Northeastern University• s Board of Trustees responded favorably concerning the use of a building on campus for the Afro-American I Cultural Center and voted to allow the use of the Forsyth Annex building for this purpose. The equipping of this building as an Afro-American Cultural Center is now going forward. Dean MacDonald is liaison officer for this project. ~ 1<~ ~~,A~~· t..·~ ./?... '"· y'~ ~~ 9......41qtz;tz;{).- J\--:{he Blaclf" student cofnn{iu1ity gro~ members have conducted themselves in an exemplary manner. They have followed, and are continuing to follow, all the proper channels to accomplish their goals. �
A group of students met with President Knowles on May 9, 1969. They submitted a more specific proposal for a five-part center that would include an African American center and a Department of African-American Studies. The students were granted a two-story building located on 104 Forsyth St. for the administrative offices of the Afro-American Institute, as it was named; the university also rented the top floor at the Norfolk House, a Roxbury community center to house the institute’s library and other academic resources. Northeastern’s African American students felt it was important to have part of the center in the community because they were the community and knew that the community needed more resources.
By the fall of 1970, Northeastern’s full-time African American population grew to about 500 students. Many of them came from areas outside Massachusetts. Although it was beneficial to have a diverse African American presence on campus, the newer students did not have quite the same sense of community. They wanted all of the Afro-American Institute’s programs and services to be available in the Forsyth building. Due to space limitations, the library remained at the Norfolk House while all other activities moved to campus.
Chuck Turner, a prominent community activist who later became a Boston City Councilor, was the Afro-American Institute’s first director. He oversaw the merger of Norfolk House and the Forsyth building, and the institute’s move to 40 Leon St. in the fall of 1971. It was during Turner’s two-year tenure that turmoil between the students and the center’s staff began to brew. In winter of 1971, Turner left the Afro-American Institute and became the Director of Boston’s Black United Front.
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African-American Institute Brochure
African-American Institute Brochure
African-American Institute Brochure
African-American Institute Brochure
African American Students
African American Studies
African American Students
African American Studies
African American Students
African American Studies
African-American Institute Brochure
African-American Institute Brochure
africanamerican institute brochure
African-American Institute Brochure
African American Students
Afro-ADiericaa laslitale Northeastern Universit~ Boston, Mass. ��PAGE 2 AFRO INSTITUTE DIRECTOR 3-5 BLACK STUDIES DEPARTMENT 6 AFRO LIBRARY 7 COUNSELLING PROGRAM 8 STUDENT ACTIVITIES 9 OFFICE COORDINATOR AND ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 10-ll OTHER MEMBERS OF THE AFRO TEAM 12 AFRO AS A SOCIAL HAPPENING Back Cover AFRO DIRECTORY Photography* and Design by Harold Hunte * Pho to of Onyx on page 7 by Karen Maynor Pho to of Ms. Brown on page 6 by Bob Gittens �The entire staff of your Afro-American Institute has. dedicated itself toward providing a comprehensive viable educational supportive service program. We are here to provide service wherever possible to enable each and every Black Student to achieve Academic Excellence. The staff at the Institute will not accept any excuses of "white institutional racism" for "Black nonproductivity." The politics of struggle begins with skills; let us help you develop yours. We are all needed to work collectively so that every Black student on this campus can maximize his chances for success. Our mandate is clearly to " PROVIDE AN ORGANIZATION THAT WILL ENABLE ALL BLACK STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE." If we are serious about the struggle that we are involved in, our mandate must be followed. Your Afro-American Institute will become whatever you want it to become. Don't sit back and let others develop or destroy your Institute - Become Involved in Deciding Your Own Destiny on Northeastern's Campus. Yours in the Struggle, Dean Gregory T. Ricks DEAN GREGORY 1'. RICKS Director of Afro-American Institute, Office No. 203 �RAMONA EDELIN Chairman Black Studies u ... ·.·.·. ·:.- . --~ ·~ ~ BLACK STUDIES DEPARTMENT In the process of achieving full University recognition as an academic program, the Black Studies Department has this year begun to offer components of a virile Black Studies curriculum for credit through existing Departments. The objective of the Black Studies Department is to facilitate the successful fusion of black cultural and academic needs, by providing courses of study which speak to all academic, liberal arts, and scholarly interests of today's student, while also speaking to the special emphasis which Northeastern University places on vocational readiness. Incorporated into the curriculum shall be an Honors Program which will include Honors courses in specific disciplines, as well as a series of Honors Colloquia, developed around conceptual themes, for each academic class. These programs, together with our extensive tutorial schedules, make for a broad and vigilant source of academic support, encouragement and excellence. The nation needs skills: what are yours? �BLACK STUDIES Cont. YVETTE G. TINNERMAN Tutorial Coordinator and Assistant to Chairman of Black Studies I coordinate all tutorial services needed by the students. Also, I assist the Chairman of Black Studies in implementing the Black Studies program. JAMES JACKSON Full-time tutor in the humanities, pre law, economics, integrated sciences, etc. �DANIEL 0 . NY ANGANI Instructor, Black Studies Department,'Room 303 Teaches History of West Africa and Elementary Swahili. 23.153 History of West Africa is intended to give an overall view of the events that have shaped West Africa from the ninth century to the present era. We will focus our attention to the emergence of early empires and those which took shape in the 19th century and the quest for African independence. Swahili is a language spoken in East Africa. The first seven lessons will deal with its grammar and elementary reading. Speakers will be invited periodically to supplement both courses. JOEL McCLURE Full-time tutor in reading, psychology, sociology English Literature, etc. �THE LIBRARY Library Data: Location : Afro-American Institute 3rd Floor Office : Room 314 Telephone : Ext. 28 Hours: Mon. -Thurs. 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sun. 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. SISTER VERDA YA BROWN Librarian My purpose at the Afro-American library is to deseminate information that will educate , as well as inform students of their past and present and to give direction for their future. �COUNSELLING PROGRAM Broadly speaking, the services which have been initiated are within the areas of academic guidance, crisis intervention, rap encounter and career and graduate placement. In the area of academic guidance, AACP offers a curriculum Planning Service. The purpose of this offering is to provide assistance to a student in adjusting his quarter course loads to the curriculum requirements of the many departments (and majors) within the university. A vocational 1nventory service is offered through the combined resources of AACP and the University counselling designed to assist a student in choosing a particular discipline which suits his needs. AACP maintains communications with several tutorial programs and makes referrals to these in either make-up courses or skill improvement courses. Crisis intervention services are offered through the Institute by ALONZO SPEIGHT AACP. This service is of a profesGLORIA BLUE sional caliber and sometimes operDONALD EDWARDS ates through a brokerage system, whereby the AACP can link a student with a crisis situation to the applicable service : e.g. Roxbury Defenders, University Health Services, and Drug Programs (Boston University and Harvard). Realizing that student input is prerequisite to a fruitful program, the AACP is offering a ~ap - encoun ter service to afford students the opportunity to communicate their needs. All students are invited to set up a rap session with a particular counselor(s) at any mutually convenient time. 7 �STUDENT ACTIVITIES MARVA JOHNSON Coordinator of Dramatic Activities DAVE SQUIRES Coordinator of Black Student Congress Dave is responsible for setting up the structure through which a Black Student Organization can be formed and for student activities of the Afro-Institute STAFF OF THE ONYX, BLACK STUDENT NEWSPAPER: lst row left to right : Ted Thomas, Editor-in-Chief; Carol Finney, reporter; Harold Hunte, Lay-out Editor ; Donna Deans, Administrative Assistant; Karen Maynor, Photo Editor. Standing from left to right : Ileen Dotson, Associate Editor & Ad Manager; Melanie White, photographer. Seated at top from left to right: Barbara Ellis, Literary Editor; Freddie Faison, reporter; Charisse Clarke (The Boss); Joyce Clarke, Managing Editor. Missing from photo are: Dee Satterthwaite, photographer; Warren Everett, �MICHELLE Y. JONES Office Manager Room 201 My main function is maintaining tight control of the Institute's daily budget and overall financial status. Coordinating the WorkStudy and Co-op Programs at the Institute is, however, the most exciting and rewarding segment of my duties, the goal being to unite the Black student with the Institute with the the Community, etc. VALERIE MINOR Assistant to the Director I assist the director in the day-to-day ongoing activities. When the director is absent, I assume the responsibilities of the director by implementing his directives. My duties also include drafting letters, researching various data to enhance some decisions the director must make, scheduling all director's appointments and helping with the budget. �OTHER MEMBERS OF ROBERTA THOMAS Receptionist I am the Receptionist at the Afro-American Institute. My desk is located on the Second Floor. My duties include answering phone calls and taking messages, meeting and greeting students, university personnel, and community people. I also have the responsibility of ordering supplies for the Institute. YVETTE BATTLE Secretary My job consists mainly of typing. I also am a receptionist whenever needed. I do letters, programs, papers, and miscellaneous items. I am also apt in drafting letters on any topic. �AFRO'S TEAM CAROLYN FOSTER Publicity, Instructor I supply silkscreen posters and flyers. according to the Institute's needs and teach courses in silkscreen printing. WILLA MAE BURNETT Counseling Department I work in the Counseling Department as an Administrative Secretary. My duties include typing, filing, record keeping, taking messages, meeting and greeting students and other personnel within the university. I make up forms, locate students, act as liaison between the Tutorial Program and the Counseling Dept. , supervise the work-study student, schedule appointments, make arrangements for trips that the components may be taking. 1l �Afro as a Social Happening THE FIRST FLOOR OF THE AFRO-AMERICAN INSTITUTE HAS BEEN DESIGNATED AS A SOCIAL AREA COMPLETELY CONTROLLED BY STUDENTS. THE INSTITUTE HAS FURNISHED THE AREA WITH: l. Photographic Darkroom 2. Silk Screen & Ceramic Workshop 3. Vending Machines a. soda b. coffee & hot chocolate c. cigarette d. candy 4. Pool Table 5. Ping-Pong Table 6. Playing Cards 7. Juke Box ANY STUDENT THAT WISHES TO USE THE AUDITORIUM FOR MEETINGS, ORGANIZATIONS, ETC .. CONTACT VALERIE MINOR. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sun. 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. ��J " .ll&o Directory LOUNGE STUDENT ACTIVITIES DARKROOM STUDENT CONGRESS ADMINISTRATION COUNSELLING LIBRARY BLACK STUDIES TUTORIAL DEPT. THE ONYX �
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Photograph of Gregory T. Ricks and Ellen S. Jackson
Photograph of Gregory T. Ricks and Ellen S. Jackson
Photograph of Gregory T. Ricks and Ellen S. Jackson
Photograph of Gregory T. Ricks and Ellen S. Jackson
African American Activists
Affirmative Action
African American Activists
Affirmative Action
African American Activists
Affirmative Action
Photograph of Gregory T. Ricks and Ellen S. Jackson
Photograph of Gregory T. Ricks and Ellen S. Jackson
photograph of gregory t ricks and ellen s jackson
Photograph of Gregory T. Ricks and Ellen S. Jackson
African American Activists
Poet and playwright, Ntozake Shange, succeeded Turner, to deal with the uproar that had come to a boiling point. Students and staff disagreed on the direction of the center. Staff believed that strong ties with the community were crucial, while students felt that integration into the university was more important if the institute was to attract more of the university’s African American students. After less than a year, the Afro-American Institute’s second director was fired, and the university threatened to close the institute because it was underutilized.
In 1972, Gregory T. Ricks became the associate dean and director of the Afro-American Institute. At the beginning of Ricks’ six-year term, there were approximately 700 African American students at Northeastern, and by 1976 the numbers rose to about 1,000. By March 1975, the institute’s name had changed to the African-American Institute. The Amilcar Cabral Memorial Center, named after the assassinated leader of independence for Cape Verde and Guinea, was established in 1975 on the first floor of the institute. Because it offered social, educational, and cultural programs, more students were drawn to the African-American Institute. Under Ricks’ guidance, the institute was able to find a direction and mend the relationship between the students and staff.